General sales conditions:1. All complaints concerning the goods must reach the company by registered letter or by email within 8 days after the reception of the goods or after invoice date and this before any use of the goods. This does not apply to the latent defects.
Possible complaints have no bearing on the contractual stipulated payment terms.
2. The invoices are payable within fifteen days after reception of the invoice, except when agreed otherwise.
3. The prices are net exclusive VAT. All taxes, duties and costs due at time of delivery or afterwards shall be borne by the buyer.
4. An order automatically implies acceptance of the general sales conditions.
5. In case of late payment a penalty for late payment of 10% per month will be applied without formal notice, raised with an indemnification of 15%, unless this indemnification is exceeded by the real and relevant recovery costs.
6. Lead times are given for information only and are not binding to us. A delay in delivery cannot result in contract cancellation or request for compensation.
7. Shipment of goods shall take place at the risk of the buyer.
8. Deviations from these sales conditions shall only be enforceable against us if they are confirmed by us in writing.
9. The goods remain the property of the seller until receipt of the full payment.
10. Any cancellation of an order must be made in writing. If the customer cancels an order, he will pay the following cancellation fee, taking into account the fact that we always deliver custom work:
a. In case of cancellation before the execution of the order: 20% of the total amount of the order.
b. In the event of cancellation after the start of the execution of the order: the real damage, being at least the price of the work performed and materials purchased or produced increased by 20% of the total amount of the order.
The cancellation fee due is in any case at least equal to the amount already invoiced.
11. Any dispute arising between parties shall be brought to the competent court of the jurisdiction of the social seat of Biodyn BV.